FORS – Silver Accreditation

FORS silver logo

FORS – Silver Accreditation

In ‘2008’ the ‘Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme’ (FORS) was established by TFL London. It encourages sustainable best practice for road freight operators who deliver in, and service, London or who intend to do so. FORS promotes safe working practices, legal compliance and safety of road freight operations in London.

We worked hard to secure our FORS bronze accreditation in July ‘2014’ which was the first stage in our ultimate goal of achieving all levels including silver and gold.

After many months of relentless hard work by the traffic team, with recognised commitment to drastically improve safety, environmental impact and efficiency through a range of initiatives, proved to be worthwhile when we were accredited with our Silver level on Tuesday July 28th.

Vernon and his team are once again delighted that we have attained the next level of FORS, and have gold level very much in their sights within the coming months.