Further Expansion to VLT Fleet with Eco-Friendly Vehicles

VLT fleet

Leeds-based storage and distribution company, Vernon Land Transport, continues to invest in its expansion. VLT has taken delivery of its first two Euro 6 vehicles, the latest and most eco-friendly engine available on the market.

The two purchases consist of a DAF XF 105, and the very first Volvo XL Globetrotter on the fleet. With Volvo proving to be an impressive acquisition, VLT is pleased to announce that they have placed an order for a further two Globetrotters this year.

In addition to this, VLT has purchased a new Moffett Mounty to accommodate an ever increasing demand for this facility.

Operations Director, Andrew Land commented, “VLT has grown consistently in recent years and the new state-of-the-art vehicles add greater capacity and increased fuel efficiency to our already.